north ridge youth groups

We believe connecting with people your age is important!  

There are various opportunities to get involved throughout the year. 

Email us with questions or to inquire about connecting with a group!

Grades 5 & 6

club 56

North Ridge Church has a vibrant ministry for kids in fifth and sixth grade called Club 56. These students gather on Sunday nights to engage with each other and the Word of God with fun, age-appropriate activities, events, outings, and teachings. 

For more information or to register, email Pastor Chris.


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grades 7-12

the ridge

The Ridge is the official youth group for students in Grades 7-12. Students meet on Sunday nights from 6-7:30 p.m. After large group teaching and activities, groups for Grades 7-8 and high schoolers break out at each level for age-appropriate discussions and fellowship. All are welcome. Students are encouraged to bring a friend to join the fun. Contact us for more information or to sign up. 

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Leadership Development

At North Ridge Church, we recognize that a multigenerational approach is the most effective way to sustain and grow a church. Churches need all ages and experiences to maintain a balance of demographics and to draw from the gifts and resources of each group. Our youth bring energy and creativity that we want to help foster into skills and experiences that will carry them throughout life. There are several leadership opportunities for youth to engage in at North Ridge Church. Please email us if your child is interested in serving on a volunteer team.

Areas of Struggle

Type the content for this accordion section here. This is just example text to show you what it will look like when you enter text content into this accordion section. Your unique, authentic, and appropriate text will be filled into this section.

  • Roughly 80% of all teens report being bullied in their lives. Many teens feel isolated, lonely and afraid as a result. Bullied teens report more illnesses and miss more school on average. If you feel you have been bullied you are not alone. There is hope, there is someone who fully understands and wants you to know that you are valuable, you matter and you are created by design.

  • Struggling? Feel like things are not getting better? Feel like an outsider? Did you know that 1 in 5 teenagers struggle from depression? You are not alone, many just like you are searching for something more. There is hope. You were created with a purpose and your life is important.

  • Are you constantly comparing yourself to others? Do you feel like you never measure up? Have you become obsessed with what you eat and how much you exercise? Do you use what you eat as your source of control? Are you continually unhappy with how you look? You have value because you are a child of God and created in His image. There is hope and help for you.

  • Teens often report feeling lonely, with the rise of social media, anxiety and depression; teens are reporting more loneliness than in previous years. God never meant for us to feel alone. He created us to be in community with each other. You are a part of a greater family that exists because of you. You belong and you matter!

  • Do you find yourself more irritable than you would like to be? Do you snap or overreact at what others may think is something small? Do you feel angry inside at all times. God wants us to find the hope and freedom from that anger that only He can offer. Many things can contribute to feelings of anger, but there are steps to take to learn to cope with these intense feelings.

  • Often substance use occurs as a result of peer pressure, looking for an escape from pain, or feeling unable to cope with life. There is hope and freedom from using drugs and alcohol. There are many healthy coping mechanisms. If you are struggling with using a substance you are not alone in this, there is help for you.

  • It is hard to find a teen, let alone an adult that is not daily using social media. The trends are to report all the good things in life leading the viewers to feel discontent or inadequate. Further, bullying on social media is a common place. If you find yourself over using social media, having a difficult time navigating your thoughts when you’re on social media, there are new ways to connect with people and find satisfaction in life.

  • The current culture is rampant with discussion regarding sexuality, including LBGTQ and being sexually active outside of God’s design. If you have questions in this area, if you have made decisions that have left you full of shame and regret, there is hope, restoration, and redemption.

  • Family conflict is more common than you may imagine. Tension in relationships with siblings, or with parents seems to be a part of living with other people. At times family conflict can become more stressful and leave a teen feeling alone or scared. Things like divorce or fighting can be hard to manage alone. There is help for you to learn to navigate family conflict and steps to take to learn to cope; you do not have to be on this journey alone.